- 我们/你们/他们是朋友。 [are 的略写形式为“'re”,如: You're, We're, They're] We / You / They are friends.
- Paul阱 Paul trap
- We服务 web service
- are/info arc/info
- Paul-Bunnell反应 heterophil agglutination reaction; Paul-Bunnell reaction
- 指示语we deietie "we"
- 转录调控元件ARE transcriptional regulating element ARE
- 叫Paul Smith代替我出席。 Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me.
- WE-30试验机 WE-30 test machine
- 用@am, is, are@填空。 IV. Fill in the blanks with @am, is, are@.
- Ahmad-Lazer-Paul条件 Ahmad-Lazer-Palu type condition
- 静电储能We electrostatic energy We
- Paul阱中一维两离子系统的能带结构 Energy band structure of two ions in a one-dimensional Paul trap
- 抗氧化反应元件(ARE) Anti-Oxidative Response Element(ARE)
- “Here we go again "Here we go again!" implies that the speaker is getting slightly impatient with the repetition of something.
- Jean-Paul Beck,IT国际总监 Jean-Paul Beck, International Director of Information Technology
- thou art 是 you are 的古体。 'Thou art' is an archaic form of 'you are'.
- SBE法优于WE法。 SBE is superior to WE.
- PaulBunnell test 嗜异性凝集试验
- 数据正确(英文句中用is或are均可). This data is correct and These data are correct are both acceptable.